Some Tips to Manage Stress During Pandemic


Hallo gaizz! How are you? i hope were fine:) during this pandemic, it requires us to be at home, do work from home, study online, and do tasks sometimes make stress. Here I will provide some tips to manage stress during the COVID-19 pandemic

Okay first is maintain a healthy diet. Stress can adversely affect both your eating habits and your metabolism. The best way to combat stress or emotional eating is to be mindful of what triggers stress eating and to be ready to fight the urge. Keeping healthy snacks on hand will help nourish your body, arming yourself nutritionally to better deal with your stress.

Second is  take a break.While it’s important to stay informed of the latest news and developments, the evolving nature of the news can get overwhelming. Find a balance of exposure to news that works for you. This is particularly important for our children. We need to limit their exposure to the media and provide age-appropriate information to them. Whenever reasonably possible, disconnect physically and mentally. Play with puzzles, a board game, do a treasure hunt, tackle a project, reorganize something, or start a new book that is unrelated to corona virus coverage.

And next, Get sleep and rest. The ever-changing news environment can make a you stress. Stress that gets amplified when you don’t get enough sleep. It’s especially important now to get the recommend amount of sleep to help you stay focused on work and managing stress during this pandemic. Avoiding like alcohol, caffeine and nicotine before bed. And planning for tomorrow earlier in your day can help to reduce stress.

okaayyy  i hope this blog is useful for you, thank you for read this bloggg! :)
