In my family i have mom,dad and my sisters. I am the youngest of three siblings. My sister named is Fieka and Fani. The difference age  between me and fieka  12 years old and fani 8 years old, so far right? but now my two sisters are married. so now at home only me, mom and dad. I feel lonely, because no one play with  me anymore. Usually  my sisters likes to tease  me. When i was a child, i always cried because my sisters teased  me and my mom often scold  because of that.

When i was child, my dad always teach me how to play badminton. Every week he take me to play badminton at my residential badminton court. When im 13 years old, my father enrolled me in one of his friend's badminton club. But not too long, because I'm to busy for my school final exam. My mom told me to stop playing Badmiton for a while and continue when I could manage my time, but I can't manage my time yet because at junior high school I have a lot of extracurricular activities.  

Back then, in my house we raise a cat, we called him is balabalaa. Balaa is a smart cat,because he know to poop at bathroom and know to pee at outside the house. Every morning i  took him for a walk around our neightboor hood. Before we had balaa,  my mom actually did not like the idea of raising animals. But when she met balaa, she changed her mind and gave a lot of love. And she never forget gave balaa his food.
