Get to Know About Me

Helloooo! welome to my bloggg! 

How are you today? i hope we are fine! sooo this is my first blog. Let's get know about me! My name Elsa Dizari,usually people call me elsaa or eca. Now im 19 years old and i a student at English Study Program at Riau University. I was born in pekanbaru on 17 june 2001 and im a youngest of three sister.I love to listening to music,watching movies and i like eat as well. I don't like to eat fish, because when i was child i choked on fish bone so after that i never eat fish. I hope this blog is useful for you to get to know me well. Thankyouuu!


  1. hi there! congrats for your first post on your first blog! i want to know more about you after reading this. keep writing, i'll wait for the next update


  2. your first blog is so interesting, i love it, keep writing😊

  3. elciss, i like your blogg, and keep writing🙏🏻🥰

  4. what a nice first blog elsaa,keep writing🥰 the world needs more your blog✨


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